College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences


Most of our Entomology Ph.D. students are offered 5-year funding packages at UCR.  This offer can vary depending on the student’s file, their research experience, and their interest in particular areas of research, etc. Funding to students comes from various sources such as research grants to the major professor, research grants to the student, Graduate Division fellowships, Entomology Department support, and teaching assistantships.

Limited funding is available to support graduate students applying to UCR Entomology for the M.S. degree. In some cases, a student may have part or all of their own funding OR a major professor may have support for an M.S. student. Thus, we suggest well-qualified students (GRE >1100; GPA last two years >3.25; and 3 good letters of support and/or evidence of research experience) with a B.A. or B.S. degree apply to the Ph.D. program at UCR. All applicants are automatically considered for support.

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