Join Us:
Saturday, April 2, 2022, 9 AM- 5 PM
Hosted at UC Riverside, in the Genomics Auditorium (UCR Campus Map)
Organizers: Chris Clark and Jessica Purcell
There are a variety of parking options on campus. Please see this website for more information and to pay in advance. Blue lot 6 is the closest large lot to the Genomics Auditorium. Note that lots 26, 30, 32, and 50 are free on weekends.
About SoCab:
We are excited to host the upcoming Southern California Animal Behavior mini-conference at UCR in 2022. This conference provides a wonderful opportunity to connect with old and new colleagues from the region. The day will include talks and posters (the poster session will be held outdoors, weather permitting). As in past years, we aim to highlight the work of junior colleagues, and we encourage undergraduate researchers, graduate students, and postdocs to attend. Along these lines, there is no cost for junior researchers to attend. We ask PIs to pay a nominal registration fee to help cover costs. Lunch and coffee will be provided. Note that we sincerely hope to hold this meeting in person, and we will follow all COVID prevention protocols that are in place at that time. Given current campus requirements, please plan to attend if you are fully vaccinated and please expect to wear a mask during the conference regardless of vaccination status.
Abstract submission and registration