College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences



Learn more about the students from SciComm Fall 2022, one of our Writing Across the Curriculum courses at UCR. Our students represent a diversity of life science majors and are pursuing a broad range of career paths.

Clare O'Brien, Comparative Literature

Clare O'Brien is a Ph.D. candidate in the Comparative Literature and Languages Department at the University of California, Riverside, exploring the science of storytelling in the Arabic tradition through the text, Kalila and Dimna. More broadly, she is interested in transcultural contact points and resulting translation phenomena within the context of world literature. Since earning her Bachelor's of Arts in Arabic and German, Clare has taught both Arabic language and English Composition courses in a number of universities across Southern California.


Stephanie Castillo (she/her/hers) enjoys scientific writing, hence her enthusiasm to TA for ENTM 060W Fall 2022. She is a Ph.D. candidate at UC Riverside studying assassin bug systematics in the Heteropteran Systematics lab. She is currently interested in the biodiversity and diversification of assassin bugs (Reduviidae), specifically the lobe-headed assassin bugs (Pseudocetherinae) and pirate assassin bugs (Peiratinae). Castillo documented and described over 30 species of Pseudocetherinae from specimens stored in natural history museums around the world under the wrong classification or without a name for decades. In some cases, specimens were overlooked for over a century. Stephanie looks forward to documenting the earth’s biodiversity and using natural history collections to train the next generation of diverse scientists.


Chlinton Kuang is a third-year student studying neuroscience at the University of California, Riverside. He is currently in two research labs: one researches how GABA affects rat feeding behavior, and the other explores the effect of visual cues on the perception of language. More broadly, he is interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in the field of brain disorders. In his spare time, he teaches chess to schoolkids in the Riverside area and spends time learning python.


Linda Le is an undergraduate student at the University of California, Riverside obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Biology. She is interested in advocating for medical accessibility in underrepresented communities of Inland Southern California. Outside of school, she loves to play the piano and listen to music.



Leo Chan is a third-year undergraduate student in the Biochemistry department at the University of California, Riverside. Currently, he is a research volunteer working at Binder Lab, UC Riverside Biomedical Division. He is passionate in translational neuroscience research, focusing on astrocytes and seizures.



Ryan Campos is an Entomology major at the University of California, Riverside. Within entomology, his interests include exploring insect systematics, insect behavior, and spider biology. Outside of his major studies, Ryan has an interest in wolf conservation, education, and ecology.



Tiffanie Hirst is a premed student majoring in Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology at the University of California, Riverside. She is in pursuit of her dream of becoming an obstetrician-gynecologist. She is often working or volunteering with her church or different organizations, like UCR's Healthy Communities division. Tiffanie dreams of medically improving life for anyone she can through being a practicing doctor and participating in as much research as possible.


Usman Shafi is a third-year biology major at the University of California, Riverside. While Usman is interested in a variety of topics surrounding biology, he is mostly concerned with learning more about sleep in an attempt to help the public understand how important it is. Modern society has placed work and waking life at a higher priority than sleep, and Usman believes this to be a harmful misunderstanding of the human body. Outside of science, his interest in world languages has led him to learning Japanese in order to widen his communication skills.


Sonali Bhakta is a fourth-year undergraduate studying Biochemistry and Law and Society at the University of California, Riverside. More broadly, she is interested in communicating accurate information concerning advancements in biotechnology and bioethics. Sonali serves as an ambassador and Vice President of Projects and Events to the UCR College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences. She is also an editor of the UCR Undergraduate Public Policy Research Journal.


Anna Barry is an undergraduate student at the University of California, Riverside, earning a Bachelor of Science in Biology. More broadly, she is interested in emergency medical care. She currently works as an Emergency Medical Technician for Symbiosis and as an EMT Instructor at West Coast EMT.


Jamie Banh is an undergraduate in the College of Natural and Agriculture Sciences at University of California, Riverside, majoring in General Biology. More broadly, she is interested in vaccine research and innovations in the body. She is also currently in a Pre-Physician's Assistant Program and is looking to contribute to projects conduting clinical research.


Emilia Burnham is an undergraduate student in the Entomology Department at the University of California, Riverside, interested in honeybee venom and its applications in the medicine. She has also assisted with experiments on Nosema ceranae and Varroa mites. After earning her Bachelor's of Science and Master's in Entomology, Emilia is interested in pursuing medical school.


Somaan Azam is an undergraduate student currently completing his Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry at the University of California, Riverside. He is interested in pursuing a higher level of education in medical school and ultimately pursuing a career in medicine. Growing up, Somaan has been surrounded by many role models, including his family, that have professional experience working in the field of medicine. His uncle, now a retired cardiologist, is his biggest inspiration for pursuing such a rigorous career. In high school, Somaan dedicated his time on weekends to help volunteer at our local RUHS Hospital, and he continues to engage in research and work opportunities relevant to his future career.


Irene Tu is an undergraduate student at the University of California, Riverside studying for her B.S. in Biology. She strives for a career in healthcare, but is exploring a variety of fields to round out her knowledge. Within the first year of her undergraduate career, Irene has dedicated herself to two separate labs in Ecology and Entomology. When she is not studying or volunteering at labs and hospitals, she can be found wandering the city to capture life’s beauty with her street photography.


Christian Babasa-Sides is an undergraduate pre-med student studying Biochemistry at the University of California, Riverside. He is interested in diving into the depths of human anatomy and physiology, determined to graduate with a thorough resume in order to become a respectable doctor. Working towards this goal, Christian is a scribe in a hospital Emergency Department, getting first-hand experience of real world interactions in the medical field.


Travis Nguyen is a undergraduate Biology major at the University of California, Riverside, diving deep into the studies of pediatric medicine and clinical service. He is especially interested in exploring the medical field and medicine within the context of pre-health practice. Ever since Travis first started to volunteer at local hospitals, he has been exploring new locations to expand upon his medical practice experience.


Patricia Sanchez is a senior studying Biology in the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences at the University of California, Riverside, conducting research in the Wilson-Rankin Lab on the behaviors of native and invasive ant species, F. pruinosus and L. humile. More broadly, she is interested in invasive species ecology and pest management. Since joining the Wilson-Rankin Lab, Patricia has received a grant to do research on the foraging distance of F. pruinosus.


Heriberto Zavala Garcia is a third-year Neuroscience major at the University of California, Riverside. He is an EMT and currently works as an Emergency Room Technician. He has a wide variety of experiences in other areas such as BLS transport, adult critical care transport, NICU/PICU transport, and 911 emergency services. He is interested in evidence-based practice, particularly in the pre-hospital setting where EMS tends to fall behind the latest research. He is passionate about addressing healthcare disparities and loves to teach new students. He hopes to attend medical school and become a physician.


Justin Myint is a second-year Biology major at the University of California, Riverside, exploring the wonders behind the science of life. He is further interested in gaining experience in the medical field, through volunteering, participating in clinics, and engaging in organizations for pre-medical students.


Hannah Oliva is a second-year biology student within the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences at the University of California, Riverside, exploring the complexities of public health issues in the Inland Empire and Central America. More broadly, she is interested in educating the public on health issues they may not be aware of in their day-to-day lives. She is working on helping individuals work towards solving prevalent health issues in their own communities.

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